How to Recover When You Send the Wrong Text

By: AlexJames

There’s nothing more cringe-worthy than sending the wrong text to the wrong person. We’ve all been there at one point or another: you want to send a funny story or a juicy piece of gossip, so you shoot a quick text to your friend…only to realize later that you sent it to the wrong contact. Maybe it was an old classmate, a new coworker, or even your mom. 

The possibilities for how and why you send the wrong text are virtually endless, but the consequences are always similarly awkward. If we could bottle our shyness and anxieties about making social blunders, we’d be rich by now. Because let’s face it – none of us likes feeling embarrassed in front of others. But thankfully, there are ways you can recover from sending the wrong text when you meant to send something else entirely. Here are some tips on how to recover after sending the wrong text message.

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Let it go

First and foremost, let it go. Seriously, don’t let the temporary embarrassment from sending the wrong text overshadow your entire day. The best thing you can do is just accept that it happened and try to move on as quickly as possible. If you’re at work and have sent the wrong text to a colleague, don’t let it become a distraction in the office. If you’re at school, try to avoid letting it affect your grades. And if you sent the wrong text to a friend, don’t let it sour your relationship. Anticipating the awkwardness and embarrassment that follow sending a wrong text can make the situation even more stressful. But if you can let it go, you’ll find that the situation is much easier to deal with.

Apologize and move on

If you sent the wrong text to a friend or family member, it’s best to be upfront about the mistake. Explain that you meant to send the text to another person, but that you mistakenly sent it to them instead. If you sent the wrong text to a coworker, classmate, or stranger, it’s a good idea to apologize for the mishap as well. They may think that you were deliberately trying to send them the message, but an apology can clear up any misunderstanding. If they confront you about the mistake, let them know that you intended to send it to someone else. If you sent the wrong text to a romantic partner or spouse, it’s best to apologize and move on. Don’t dwell on the mistake, and don’t try to justify it. Admit that you made a mistake, say you’re sorry, and then drop the subject entirely. If you dwell on the mistake or try to rationalize your way out of it, you risk making the situation even more awkward. The best thing you can do is apologize and move on.

Turn it into a learning experience

Another great way to learn from sending the wrong text is to turn it into a learning experience. If you sent the wrong text to a friend or family member, consider taking the opportunity to learn from the situation. Ask your friend if they could explain what the text meant, and then take the time to clarify any misunderstandings you may have had about the message. If you sent the wrong text to a coworker, classmate, or stranger, consider taking the opportunity to learn why you made the mistake in the first place. Analyze the situation, and try to figure out what caused you to send the wrong text. Was it a lack of sleep? A poor choice of words? Or was it just a bad decision on your part? Once you’ve identified where you went wrong, you can take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

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