As more businesses implement video solutions, they will need to be able to monitor and measure how well their videos are performing. There are several challenges that can make this difficult, however. In this article, we’ll look at some of the biggest challenges facing video analytics and discuss how to overcome them with available solutions.
What is Video Analytics?
As technology advances, more businesses are using video for business intelligence, training and security. With improvements in computer vision software and hardware, there’s no limit to what can be accomplished with video analytics. Here are five examples of how analytics can help your business. The use of Video Analytics will continue to grow as cameras become cheaper and more powerful, but it isn’t a set it and forget it solution.
While you might have a working system today, new uses for your camera could require you to change things up or improve performance down the road. That said, when used correctly video analytics is an invaluable tool that will allow you to do much more than simply monitor live feeds or record footage.
Ineffective Detection
A lack of analysis can mean that you’re monitoring for the wrong things. That’s why effective detection is vital to being prepared when an incident does occur. For example, your video analytics software may detect a fire in a certain area, but it may not be able to determine what caused it. If you don’t know what caused a fire, how can you prevent it from happening again?
Video Surveillance Blind Spots
Why your company’s video surveillance solution might not be catching everything. The popular assumption that simply installing a traditional video surveillance system will result in complete coverage is simply wrong. Security systems may have blind spots, whether it’s because of architectural limitations or camera placement. If an area isn’t covered by a camera—or if a criminal is able to hide from cameras for long enough—there may be no way to know what happened.
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Difficulty Retrieving Evidence
As you can see, video analytics is a growing field with both challenges and solutions. And while video plays an important role in data analytics, it’s only one piece of many. If you want to use video effectively, look at how businesses are using data analytics right now. Who has access to what kind of information, how they’re using it and who can help you make sense of it all. These questions will guide your future success in video analytics.
Disconnected System
When looking at video analytics solutions, it’s easy to see a home run for your business. It’s not until you think about how each system will interact with one another. That you realize what a challenge awaits you. How can each system connect seamlessly? It starts with choosing video analytic partners who have come up with standard interfaces or integrations.
This will make implementation easier, but also leaves open other solutions that may work better for your business needs. For example, if in order to be truly effective you need facial recognition on your cameras, then look for a provider. Who offers facial recognition as an add-on module rather than relying on someone else’s facial recognition solution to work within their own platform.
Perception That Facial Recognition is Out of Reach and Imprecise
It’s true, videos can be both beneficial to your business as well as a creative way to communicate, but only if you know what content is important and how to optimize them for your specific audience.
If you’re interest in learning more about any of these services or how we might be able to help with other marketing needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us here. For more information on Video Analytics challenges/solutions check out 6 Effective Tips for Measuring YouTube Performance in Your Marketing Strategy.
So, you’ve gone through all of your analytics data. Now, organize it into a report, and come to some conclusions about what’s been working for you. There are so many other things that can be done with video analytics. A few of them include analyzing which ads work best on different devices. Or experimenting with geo-targeting or ad frequency to determine how quickly users fall out of your funnel after first visiting.
You might want to take a stab at these metrics on your own! Or maybe you can solve another one of those known unknowns we talked about earlier… Whatever you do, keep growing your knowledge base. Analytics is constantly evolving, so there will always be new tools and ways to get better data!