7 Best Eco-Friendly Packaging Boxes Manufacturers in USA

By: AlexJames

Covid 19’s situation made everyone realize that during the lockdown, there was a great change in the ozone layer which was close to damage. With pollution and unfriendly treatments done to the earth, now factories and manufacturers focus on eco-friendly packaging boxes and systems everywhere. The initiatives for taking care of the earth; are mostly implemented by manufacturing companies and factories because they are blamed the most for the destruction on earth. In the USA, many manufacturing companies have started to produce earth-friendly packaging for all kinds of purposes and in all areas of life.

Difference between eco-friendly and earth friendly

They are both eco-friendly and earth friendly and belong to the same group of not harming the environment.  Green environment is a casual term; People use it in exchange for any topic relating to eco-consciousness. Eco is for the relationships between living things, and friendly implies beneficial and not harmful actions.

In the USA, firms have started to take serious initiatives for eco-friendly systems. Here is a list of the seven best stores in the USA that offer eco-friendly packaging.

Vantage Boxes

Vantage Boxes offer eco-friendly packaging boxes from the time they started to serve customers. Their top priority is always to serve customers with quality and keeping in view the environmental responsibilities that everyone has upon their shoulders as responsible citizens. The term “friendly” is attached to Vantage Boxes in both ways, for customer satisfaction, and for earth-friendly packaging as well. Their eco-friendly boxes are made up of sustainable materials which can be re-used they keep the product safe and makes the environment breathe. At Vantage Boxes, the minimum order placing limit is 100. Quality is guaranteed at Vantage Boxes.

Bel Mark

Bel Mark offers quality eco-friendly products at standard rates. They are also offering exclusive discounts on certain wholesale and custom orders.

Every brand and company in the USA has the motto of eco-friendly product manufacturing, this is what Bel mark also focuses on. Their pricing rates can be filtered according to the customer’s budget.

Upper Cut Box

Upper Cut Box Company provides secure packaging of products. They provide all kinds of boxes in all shapes and sizes. Their quality and determination for providing the best products, best packaging solutions, and best practices for handling orders are what matters to them.

Half Price Packaging

Half Price Packaging provides customized boxes made up of sustainable materials, eco-friendly boxes have all the attributes that attract the attention of eco-minded conscious clients. They offer a wide collection of custom shapes and designs at economical prices. The chemicals they use are friendly to the environment. Half Price Packaging is the best brand that brings to the hands of customers what they demand from them. They give optimal looks to the boxes.

Bay Cities

Bay Cities offers packaging of boxes in all kinds of boxes including rigid boxes, industrial packaging, display boxes, specialty items, etc. Cities have been working in this industry of manufacturing for a long time. They have also been awarded and appreciated because; of their quality and eco-friendly productions. They offer products at exclusive discounts and standard rates are set for delivery. With 65 years of experience in packaging and designing, Bay Cities are most preferred in the USA.

Brook Whittle

Brook Whittle is not only out to sell a service. But their aim is to offer quality control, customer satisfaction, and on-time delivery. While making custom orders, Brook Whittle keeps everything in accordance with the packaging of boxes. They offer products at reasonable prices. The return and exchange policy is also flexible for customers. From product labeling to its packaging and embossing everything is done accurately and smartly.

GWP Group

GWP Group has been serving customers with its services for thirty years. They focus on the seven Rs of sustainable packaging solutions. These are Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renew, Revenue, and Read. These are the options that GWP Group offers to its customers when they place custom orders with them, along with it they keep their focus also on these Rs. GWP Group is serving customers with excellence and expertise.

Why Vantage Boxes

So, now that we have grabbed knowledge of the seven best eco-friendly packaging boxes manufacturers, Vantage Boxes stand unique and classy in terms of packaging solutions. They offer discounts and brilliant quality at less rates as compared to other stores.

The purpose of earth-friendly packaging is fulfilled here at economical rates. At first order only a customer would doubt Vantage’s team, after that, they would not go for any other store other than Vantage Boxes. They guarantee this statement with their quality proven work and loyal customer feedback. The minimum limit is 100 boxes, but still, the customers have the liberty to place single order if required.

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