What are the Major Benefits of Choosing an Uncontested Divorce?

By: Answer Ques

Divorce is usually a very contentious process. But, if you’re looking to avoid any hostility and acrimony-filled proceedings, then choosing an uncontested divorce is the way to go. You can learn more about uncontested divorces from your divorce lawyer. A lawyer can explain everything that you need to know about the process, which will include all of the things that you need to do and all of the things that you don’t need to do in an uncontested divorce.

Let us now look into the major benefits of choosing an uncontested divorce.

  • An uncontested divorce is faster

An uncontested divorce is much faster than a contested divorce. The main reason for this is that the court is not involved in the process. What this means is that there are no hearings, no depositions, and no court-appointed attorneys. All of these things only add to the time it takes to finalize a divorce. You can put all of this time to good use by taking a few weeks off to rest, relax, and start thinking about planning your future.

  • An uncontested divorce is easier

An uncontested divorce is much easier than a contested divorce. The reason for this is that there is nothing to negotiate. An uncontested divorce does not require any negotiations or agreements. All of the terms are included in the legal documents, which are signed and filed with the court. And all it involves is filling out what forms the court requires and paying a few filing fees.

  • An uncontested divorce costs less

When you choose an uncontested divorce, the cost will be lower than that of a contested divorce. The reason for this is that it does not involve attorneys, court hearings, depositions, and other legal procedures, which all add to the overall cost of a contested divorce.

  • An uncontested divorce gives you more control over issues like child custody

When you choose an uncontested divorce, you will be able to control any custody issues. This means that there is no need for you to hire a lawyer and then come to a settlement about what your child custody arrangement will be. All of the custody details are included in the documents that you sign and file with the court. 

  • More peaceful

If you choose an uncontested divorce, it will be much more peaceful than a contested divorce. The reason for this is that there will be no court appearances, no attorneys, and no hearings. This means that there will be less tension and stress.

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